
Submissions will be peer-reviewed on a biweekly basis. Please see the editorial timeline below.

Editorial Timeline

# Submission Received Submission Reviewed Revisions Final Decision made by assigned editors
The submission reviewer will be in contact with the author throughout the process

The editors will review the submissions via Google Doc

Submissions will be reviewed within 1 week


Comments will be made via Google Doc and on an editorial feedback form

Author is given 2 weeks for revisions


If the revisions are approved, the submission will be published online

Specific Instructions:

Please include a short description at the beginning of your paper. 

Why did you write this piece and for whom? If this was an assignment for a class, describe the assignment, walk us through why you chose this topic specifically, and end with what you want your readers to take away from your piece. As the author, you can shape it however you want!

Email your submission to

Please include the category and your name in the subject line.
(e.g. NEWS: Name)

5 thoughts on “Submit”

  1. Hi, my colleagues and I want to submit our Undergraduate Research manuscript to these forums. The person who supervised us during our research was the head TA of our class. He is no longer in UC Davis, but he is a faculty member at Louisiana State University. We want to know if it is ok for this person to sign off as our sponsor.

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An undergraduate life sciences journal at UC Davis